Secularity and Sexuality (SECS) Lab


Welcome to the website for the Secularity and Sexuality Lab at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Feel free to browse through the site to find out about what we do and who we are. Information for prospective students and community resources are provided as well.    

Lab Members 2024

Our lab produces scholarship with two primary aims: 1) to promote mental health and equity for diverse nonbelievers in the United  States and 2) to advance sexual and reproductive justice and liberation for all people. We seek to use critical perspectives, acknowledging the ways in which sociopolitical context influence lived experiences, as a framework for our explorations. As such, we're particularly interested in the ways oppressive systems of power like White supremacy, patriarchy, heterosexism, cissexism, classism, and others influence people's wellness and sense of liberation. Consistent with this framework, we often use qualitative and mixed methods approaches to examine our research questions and center the narratives of the people and communities we hope to support through our research. Take a look at the Research page for a list of our current projects.